Thursday, December 24, 2009

Man in the street

I choosed a topic and i used to ask men in the street about their opinion in it and my topic is "The global Financial crisis" cause it is one of the hottest topics in different media that affects millions of people worldwide. “The recent market economic instability was caused by many factors which includes the market dramatic change in the ability to create new lines of credit, which dried up the flow of money and slowed down new economic growth and the buying and selling of assets”, said Am Ahmed,the man who sells water mellon in El Gomaa Market.
And he also added that “the effect of the economic crisis is apparent in incentive payment reductions and an increase in working hours at the same time as shift numbers are decreased”.
This negatively affects individuals, businesses, and “many financial institutions which were left holding assets back that had dropped precipitously in value and weren’t bringing in the amount of money needed to pay for the loans”, said Mr Samy,An Employee in the Bank who was buying bread from “El Gomaa market”
And he also added “This dried up their reserve cash and restricted their credit and ability to make new loans.” There were other factors as well, including the “cheap credit” which made it too easy for people to buy houses or make other investments “based on pure speculation.” Cheap credit created more money in the system and people wanted to spend that money. Unfortunately, people wanted to buy the same thing, which increased demand and caused inflation. “Private equity firms leveraged billions of dollars of debt to purchase companies and created hundreds of billions of dollars in wealth by simply shuffling paper, but not creating anything of value.” “Egypt has seen a property market boom over the last few years fuelling its national economy and stock markets. As a consequence of the global financial crisis, investments in these boom sectors are now quickly drying up; however, due to the whole world profound economic crisis the national income of different countries is consequently affected. ”, said Am Hassan, The door-keeper.
When you compare Egypt with what is now happening in the U.S. and some European countries, “the banks have excess liquidity in Egypt. The ratio of credits to deposits in the banking system is only 55% as compared to an international norm of 80%. So it’s not that they are safe, they are too safe”, said Mr Samy,An Employee in the Bank who was buying bread from “El Gomaa market”.
And he hopes that central bank will take seriously its responsibility to enhance lending and the incentives for the banking sector to provide credit. “Now is not the time to raise the interest rate. It is my view that inflation targeting, which has been the priority of the central bank for the last 12 months or more should shift because of our expectations. It is true that inflation was almost 20%, but don’t keep interest rates high, you have to compensate for all the people that are going bankrupt by not making credit so expensive” ,said Mr Samy,An Employee in the Bank who was buying bread from “El Gomaa market”.
Therefore the banking sector has a very important job to reduce the gap between the lending rate and the deposit rate, which is very large.
In the real economy, we are not yet seeing the effects of the recession. “If we make some small changes in laws and procedures, it is a signal to investors to re-root their investments. Egypt is already considered an important emerging market. So, if we play it right, if we manage this crisis right, we could come out as winners rather than losers from this upheaval”, said Um Mohamed ,the woman who sells fruits in El Gomaa Market.
Egypt is profoundly affected by the economic crisis. So hope that the economic crisis is solved so that Egypt can flourish again like previous years and consequently can flourish the national income in Egypt.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Libraries in Egypt

I took Six October University Library as an Example of libraries in Egypt that you can enjoyed reading in it.
Six October University Library was built in 1996; it considered one of the biggest Libraries in the 6th of October city.
The building of the library was located behind El Hosary mosque and it is in an in depended and private building out of the university.
The building of the library has several advantages, on the level of location, it is located in a unique place, on the other hand it was built on 9000 meter square, and it is also surrounded with 2000 meter of green areas.
“The university library contains 85 thousand books, 18 thousand e mail, 200 video tape recorders, and there is also a public library which contain 17 thousand books” said Mr. Abd El Hamid (the director of the university).
Raghda Ahmed Farid (the assistant of the director) said that“ the library has lots of functions which are: Students From the university or out of the university can borrow books from the library, Searching on the internet for free, The service of EBSCO HOST which help students to learn about the Canadian Reference Centre content within EBSCO's Student Research Centre interface, it also offers SmartText Searching which is a natural language search strategy that allows you to enter as much text for their search as you want – a phrase, a sentence, paragraph, or even whole pages”.

Raghda also added that the library used an electronic index on the OPAC line via the web site of the library or via the web site of the university, and the library also make researches on Data bases which is available On-Line or on CDs.
Not only is the aim of the library to demand the service of the university, but also to serve the educational academic society, and also the research academic society.
Library also provides people with lots of services such as: Reading inside the library, giving advices to readers, External borrowing services, Photo copying services.
“(Insignia) service which is a Canadian system that helps people to search for information quickly, easily and very accurate “said Rania Hanfi (Librarian Employee).
Rania also talked about“(Current surrounding service), which means that the Library used to tell people about the new things and the current events that happen in the library”.
Rania added that “the library contains two thousand hundred Encyclopedias, and the numbers of people who work in the library are from 30 to 35.
Finally the library will make new services such as: making Educational cycles, Language cycles and computer cycles.
*For more information about Six october university library you can log onto this link:

Monday, December 14, 2009

عمرو أديب: طوني خليفة ينتمي لمدرسة إعلامية قديمة وفاشلة

الأربعاء 9 ديسمبر 2009
انتقد الإعلامي المصري عمرو أديب نظيره اللبناني طوني خليفة، معتبرا أنه لا يعطي فرصة للضيف ليقول رأيه، واعتبر ذلك تأثرا بمدرسة قديمة ثبت فشلها.وعن نفسه تمنى أن يكون منظما مرة في حياته ليصنع أفضل، وتطلع إلى مزيد من التعلم والتدريب الإعلامي، قائلا: "ياريت آخد كورس في MBC لأصبح أفضل".وعبر عمرو -خلال حلقة "آخر من يعلم"، الإثنين 7 ديسمبر/كانون أول 2009م- بجملة "الكابوس يعود" عندما فوجئ ببعض جمهور "آخر من يعلم" يرفعون الأعلام المصرية والجزائرية، ففهم أنها إشارة لمباراة مصر والجزائر في التصفيات المؤهلة لكأس العالم 2010م بجنوب إفريقيا، وما حدث خلالها من شغب ومشكلات بين البلدين الشقيقين، معلنا رفضه لأية إهانة لمصر، وصدمته باكتشافه كره الجزائريين لمصر، وحزنه من سوء العلاقات بين البلدين بسبب مباراة.وأكد على ما أعلنه من قبل، من أنه سيعتزل التلفزيون وبرنامج "القاهرة اليوم"، في عام 2010م ليرتاح في بيته مع أولاده، وأنه حتى الآن سجل 7800 ساعة على الهواء بالبرنامج.ووصف أخاه عماد أديب، بأنه علامة في برامج التوك شو، بحيث "يقال مرحلة ما قبل عماد أديب، وما بعد عماد أديب"، ورحب بالقول إنه أقل مهنية من عماد، لكنه رفض اتهامه بتقليد عماد.وعن انتقاده لرجل الحديد الأول ورئيس تنظيم الحزب الوطني الحاكم أحمد عز، أكد أنه يرفض فقط أن "يلبس قبعتين"، أي اشتغاله بالمال والسياسة معا، وتحفظ على القول بأنه على خلاف مع جمال مبارك، مؤكدا أنه لا يرفضه كرئيس قادم لمصر شرط أن يأتي عبر صندوق الانتخابات مرشحا من عدد من المرشحين الآخرين.وأكد أنه ليس محسوبا على نظام الحكم في مصر، كما يشاع، لكنه تمنى أن يكون كذلك، وأوضح أنه طوال عمله التلفزيوني لم يتم قطع برنامجه "المباشر" لأسباب سياسية، مؤكدا على أنه لو تعرض لذلك فسوف يأخذ حاجياته من القناة التي يعمل بها ويرحل، واستدرك بأنه لا يخلو مكان مهما كانت مساحة الديمقراطية به من الخطوط الحمراء، مشددا على أنه ليس له ظهر يحميه سوى الله ودعاوى والدته والرئيس مبارك الذي "صنع مساحة الحرية في مصر".وقال إنه يحتاج نقابة المحامين بأكملها كي تدافع عنه في كم قضايا الدعاوى المرفوعة ضده، وآخرها بلاغ ضد ضيفة البرنامج اعتماد خورشيد صاحبة كتاب "شاهدة على انحرافات صلاح نصر"، وقاضي البرنامج أيضا، وبالتالي مقدمه، وعندما طالبته أن يكتب اسما يريد رفع دعوى ضده كتب "إسرائيل".واعتبر أن تجسيده لشخصية مصطفى أمين في فيلم "كوكب الشرق"، شرف كبير له، كاشفا عن دور سينمائي آخر لوكيل نيابة، مطروح عليه حاليا.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Dar Al Fouad hospital

Visiting a hospital full of sick people is usually stressful, however the place does not seem like a traditional medical institute but rather like a comfortable and welcoming place for care and cure, that was Dar Al Fouad Hospital.
Located in the Touristic Zone, 6Th of October City in the calm suburbs away from Cairo polluted air and crowded noisy streets the hospital was developed over the years since 2001, However in a short period gained excellence in healthcare with international standards and peoples trust.
Dar al Fouad Hospital is the first in Egypt and Africa and 95th worldwide to gain the Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation for its superb medical services and good management.
“The hospital is highly equipped with a variety of rooms to suit all patients’ needs and provide easy access, like spacious rooms with electric tilted beds to provide comfort and each bedside unit contains oxygen control unit, suction pumps and Code Blue call (critical cases emergency system) as the bathrooms are designed for rapid nurse call”, said Dr.Samir Mousa the medical director of Dar Al Fouad Medical Council.
Dr. Mousa added, “We are very keen to provide high nursing services, by having a nursing staff of 316 nurses 40% of them Egyptians and another 60% Romanians, Iraqis and Philippines, whom are all very qualified and trained to maintain high medical standards especially with the use of hygienic equipments, to avoid any transmission of infection.
Part of Dar Al Fouad’s quality assurance protocol is having standards quality check to all medication and medical equipments they use.
The pharmacy in Dar al Fouad hospital is open 24/7, and is managed by a strict and accurate data base through their genetic names and in-unit dose system in order to ensure the best cost-effective quality of service.
The hospital depends highly on the data base systems designed by their information technology (IT) Department that is used all over the hospital, said Rabaa Ali Masood, IT Specialist.
Dar Al Fouad, is best known for its specialization in open heart surgeries and liver cultures, that costs 500,000 pounds and kidney cultures that costs 100,000 pounds, however that hospitals sponsors many humanitarian cases, said Dr. Mousa.
He also added that, soon Dar Al Fouad will expand by opening new branches around the Middle East starting with a new branch in Cairo in Nasr City and others in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Sudan.

Internet Radio

*SWOT comparison between:
-Radio Mahatet Masr, Egyptian Radio station from Egypt, for all Arabs in and outside Egypt.
- Mahatet Masr is an online Radio on the Internet founded by Osama Mounir.
-On Mahatet Masr Radio station you’ll live the Egyptian ATMOSPHERE.
-The station is full of youthfulness: they have all Arabic latest songs, and Comic sketches and Talk shows.
-Broadcasters and announcers are very close to you.
-They always keen to be with you; in your home, in your picnic and in your business.
-Amazing Arabic and International football Goals will be available soon on Mahatet Masr Online Radio Station

-They are not the first online Radio channel.
-radio stations are offered free to air and do not receive any subscription revenues. This makes them totally dependent on advertisement revenues for survival.
- Lack of differentiation between different radio stations cause online radio stations are few.
-Benefit from the growth in the online radio industry
-Benefit from the growth in the live entertainment industry.
Economic downturn: The radio mahtet masr revenues from advertisements. Advertising is a discretionary expenditure and is the first one to be pruned in case of an economic slowdown. The live entertainment business would also be adversely affected in case of an economic downturn as disposable incomes would reduce, affecting people’s ability to spend on entertainment.
-Radiosotcom is an online Radio on the Internet founded by Ahmed Unis
-High listenership: programming focus in radio is on contemporary film music shows and celebrity interviews.
-They have all Arabic latest songs, and Comic sketches and Talk shows.
-Owns some of the best properties: owns some of the best properties such as the advertising
-They are not the first online Radio channel.
-radio stations are offered free to air and do not receive any subscription revenues. This makes them totally dependent on advertisement revenues for survival.
- Lack of differentiation between different radio stations cause online radio stations are few.
-Benefit from the growth in the online radio industry
-Benefit from the growth in the live entertainment industry.
Economic downturn: The radio mahtet masr revenues from advertisements. Advertising is a discretionary expenditure and is the first one to be pruned in case of an economic slowdown. The live entertainment business would also be adversely affected in case of an economic downturn as disposable incomes would reduce, affecting people’s ability to spend on entertainment.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Conflict story

Walking into the lavish, clean and comfortable hall, being welcomed by the nice place which is city stars mall.
On Saturday morning, the weather was sunny; I went to the mall to buy a book about media management which is called “The Business of Media”, and I really want it.
The book costs 150 LE, and I have 160 LE, but while walking in the mall I found a black dress, the dress was really nice, and I was admired by this dress.
The dress costs 160 LE, but I really want the book, so what shall I do, I was admired by the dress but I want the book.
Then I went to virgin mega stores and I found the book, when I decided to buy the book, but at the last moment I changed my mind because I like the black dress.
And then I returned home and I didn’t buy anything because of the conflict that was created inside me.
After that I remembered that I have to go to the university with the book the day after tomorrow so the conflict inside me began to be more than before.
So I went again to virgin mega stores in city stars to buy the book because the book is more important than a dress.
Finally I bought the book, and I will wait until I have money to buy a nice black dress so the conflicts inside me disappeared.

Mass Media management

Mass Media Management is becoming very crucial in our daily lives no matter which business field it is applied to. This means that media are linked with culture because creative people have the strongest sway via mass media. However some critics claim that media are obsessive about trendy and silly object. In fact, this claim is considered a serious fault with media concern for its pop culture and in the fact that it squeezes out things of significance.
Culture is based on an open communication system that depends mainly on teamwork.
Cultural transmission Without realizing the mass media integration in our lives; mass media pass on customs and traditions including cultural values and beliefs from past generations (Historical transmission) to present ones (Contemporary transmission) then to future ones and spread them among communities and societies.
Media management includes printed press and also wide broadcasting of television that far exceed the reach of any interpersonal communication; the new tribal of the global village was introduced that is the instantaneous connection of every human being.
Business of media related to Advertising, PR (Public relation), Print Media Electronic Media, Billboards, Direct Mail and Videotapes.
Advertisement is a decisive mean which affects public judgment, sales, image, political campaigns and competition. It can affect people on what they buy through repetitive ads, even if the audience thought at the beginning that it is an irritating ads. It also affects the newspaper and magazines as both of them are full of ads and if the ads were removed or not present the cost of newspaper and magazines will be high and they will be smaller in size. Not only that, but also people depends, nowadays, on ads to get information about the goods that are in the market.
In the television commercials, advertisers collect some commercials and put them together to send them to customers.
Works Cited

My Self

I have been thinking lately about know, the things you say to yourself consciously and unconsciously. The words of self-talk shape your daily experience, and determine your reality.
Self-talk contains a lot of criticism. Criticism you may not even be aware of about all kinds of things. Even though I don't love myself as much as I think I should, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
I am 21 years old, my sign is Libra,my General Certificate of Secondary Education is “Thanawia Amma’’.
I am studying at the Ahram Canadian University (ACU), Egypt, and I will graduate in spring 2010.My Major is in Journalism and my Minor is TV and Radio. I speak and write Arabic and English and can speak and write a little French.
My hobbies are singing and I am taking courses at the Opera, doing interviews with people related to many topics, modeling, and fashion, the art of makeup, acting, reading, and photography.
I am also learning computer skills. This is giving me working knowledge of Microsoft Office, Photoshop, surfing the internet, checking emails, doing research and non linear editing.
The career-related projects and technical competencies that I did at university are a storyboard about a story script, acted a play in university, used a non linear editing program to do a short clip about Egypt, did a magazine and newspaper in Photoshop, wrote an article of a page in the university magazine .
I also took part in a conference in AlAhram Institute about “Mass Communication and its concurrent issues” in July 2007 for 2 days (8-9 July), and had an internship in June 2008 in AlAhram newspaper for 90 hours (15 days).
My family and friends think that I am quiet, delicate, restrained, non-assertive, sensitive, changeable, nervous, and unpredictable.
They have also told me that I am moody, enthusiastic, imaginative, and impulsive, quick to grasp ideas and good at initiating things, tolerant, comfort-loving, peaceful, slow to anger, slow to eat, and slow to act.
Last but not least I think that its very important to know how other people view you because personality has almost become a household word. The relationship between types of personality and heart disease has become common knowledge, at least, among physicians and their afflicted patients. In spite of its wide publicity and media attention, criteria of behavior or personality still remain vague.

Child Labour

Interviews with the parents of the child workers
To find
The main reason behind the child labour phenomena
*Through the interview with the parents of:
-Mohamed who works in a mechanic shop.
-The 3 sisters (Donia, Habiba, Samira), they used to wash cars.
-And Ramadan who works as a begger in front of el shabrawy of Nasr City.
I found that there is one reason behind the child labour phenomena through these 3 cases:
The main reason behind the child labour phenomena:
Poverty is one of the main reasons for escaping education.
For girls, mainly because of the increase of the educational tools and expensive like school clothes, books, transportation, private lessons and in the addition to the classrooms which is packed with a lot of students, which force the poor families to get their children out of school and driving them into the working market Child labour.
Trough my interviews with the parents of working children I also found out that the increased food prices in Egypt has increased child labour.
The reasons given by child workers themselves in my interviews are:
They wish to earn their own money and contribute to the family income.
Most of the interviewed children reported that they work to support their families and meet their own expenses.
When I asked the parents of these children about the law of child labour:
They told me that the government didn’t help them in anything related to poverty, and also did not give them any solutions of the poverty problem; this means that the government did not respect them so they will not respect the government.

The Existence of Face Book

Face book is social utility that connects people from all around the world that Connect with family and friends through adding them as a friend and stating to have a connection between people.
Checking all information under their profile like education, contact information including Google talk, AIM and windows MSN status and work info and keep track their updates and view their friends and communicate with them through the wall and private messages.
And also you can join the network of a certain company or a college by just having an email confirming that you belong to this company and college allowing you to know college or company colleagues that you do not know by just browsing other friends in this network.
People can Share photos, videos, notes and posted items with friends and maybe other people depending on my privacy settings, reconnect with old classmates and college friends through browsing their names or high school or college network and add them as a friend ,Plan parties and other events invite friends to these events.
You will also be able to control the event to make it open; people can add themselves to the guest list and invite others to the event. Anyone can see the event information, the guest list, the wall, videos and photos, or closed, only people you invite will be on the guest list. People can request invitations.
Anyone can see the event time and description. Only those invited can see following: the guest list, the wall, videos and photos or secret: The event will not appear in search results.
Only people you invite can see the event information, the guest list, the wall, videos and photos. Also you can have the opportunity to know about events you did not know about through face book by being invited to that event, discuss interests and hobbies, Create groups: It’s has the same privacy settings as events, adding on that we can discuss issues, depending on the type of the group, is it common interests such as: Art, business, Music, Sports, or just for fun groups.
Playing games: you can play games alone or with other people like poker and black jack. You try to get the highest score and compare it with friends, create application and use them.
Face book users can create applications that can access the user who adds this application’s information, for whatever reasons, like horoscope depending on my birth date on my profile, or the fun quizzes.
In addition Reminder of friends’ birthdays to help you to keep track of all your friends birthdays by reminding you of the birthday three days before to be able to be the first greet them, Business Solutions on face book.
Face book Social Ads: Promote your website or face book page with highly-targeted advertising such as: ages, interests, demographic areas.
You can control who can see your profile, contact information, groups, wall, photos, posted items, online status, and status updates.
Moreover there is privacy at Face book; people can have control over how they share their information and who can see it. People can only see the profiles of confirmed friends and the people in their networks.
Face book has application that can bring people together like funny quizzes and playing games to get closer to other people
To conclude, Face book is made up of many networks, each based around a company, region, or school. Join the networks that reflect your real-life communities to learn more about the people who work, live, or study around you.

Work cited

Global Warming

What, in the main while, can the government and the ordinary people do to limit the release of gases into the atmosphere?
Human activities besides natural phenomena, like volcanic eruptions, over the past 50 years have contributed to global warming. Burning fossil fuels, like coal and oil, release gases that trap the heat in our atmosphere. This is melting the ice in the Arctic, Antractic and Greenland as well as glaciers in mountain regions worldwide and raising sea levels.
According to the UN Environment programme, a rise only 50 cm in the sea level would displace at least four million people and damage 1,800 of the Nile delta region .A rise of 1 m would displace at least six million Egyptians and damage more than double the amount of frame land.
Global warming is a complex phenomenon, and its full-scale impacts are hard to predict far in advance.
We can cut global warming pollution by reducing pollution from vehicles and power plants. Right away, we should put existing technologies for building cleaner cars and more modern electricity generators into widespread use. We can increase our reliance on renewable energy sources such as wind, sun and geothermal. And we can manufacture more efficient appliances and conserve energy.

Sham El-Nessim

The festival of Sham El-Nessim falls on the Monday after Easter. It is a time to breathe in the air, and families will take trips to the countryside, visit parks and zoos, color eggs and have picnics. It’s a celebration of spring that can be shared by all modern Egyptians regardless of their religion.
The word “Sham El Nessim” means "smell the breeze". It is a time to smell a new fresh breeze. That is the breeze of spring at its beginning, and a special menu is eaten on Sham El-Nessim: salted fish, vegetables, fruits, lupin seeds, and green onions.
On Sham el Nessim day Egyptian people waked up at 6 am, and they colored the eggs, and they also went to a public park.
Egyptian celebrated Sham el Nessim by eating smelly fish known as fiseekh. “The fiseekh is prepared in a traditional process that is considered almost an art form. The process of preparing the fish is passed from one generation to another to ensure its quality. The types of fish used are sardines, mackerel and anchovies. Their prices range from LE 15 to 20.” said Fisher man.
And also “Many hotels in Egypt provide specials for this holiday, so it can be a fun time’’ said House Keeper in Hotel.
For Example: Hilton Pyramids Golf Resort Hotel which is located less than a mile from Dream Park that gives you access to the golf, tennis, swimming pools, and a full fitness center at Dreamland's Sports and Golf Club.
Finally, at night Egyptian went to the Cairo tower because it’s nice to be up high in Cairo. They enjoyed one of the best views from the Cairo Tower, located on Gezira Island (Zamalek). All is spread out below you when you are at the top of the tower. They really enjoyed the day.

Ancient Egyptian Civilization

The first thing that crosses my mind when anyone talks about Ancient Egyptian Civilization is the three days trip that I had last January with my school friends. The journey starts from Ramses Station in Cairo to take a 12 hours train whose direction is to one of the most amazing, quite places in Upper Egypt.
In such place, we had super Fun by cruising in the Nile, sightseeing ancient monuments, with an English-speaking tour guide and having a custom party. Also we enjoyed the super Place by having so much fun this winter in Ancient Egypt. Moreover, we adored the super weather by enjoying the sunset and wonderful scenery in the middle of the Nile.
In the first day once the train reaches Aswan, we took a bus to take us to watch such an adorable city with its quite streets and its welcoming people. We visited a fascinating place on a small island south of the city of Aswan called Philae temple. This beautiful building was where the sacred barge with the statue of Isis (an ancient Egyptian God) landed during the annual precession down the river. And it consists of 14 columns with screen walls which are decorated with scenes of Trajan making offerings to Isis, Osiris and Horus (ancient Egyptian Gods). After sightseeing such a precious ancient monument, we took a “Fluke” in the Nile till we reach the High Dam – the recent Egyptian achievement- funded by President Gamal Abdel Nasser to control Nile flooding and stores water for times of drought. Finally, after such wonderful day we took a very luxury Nile cruise -having a relaxing sun deck and a swimming pool- from Aswan directed to another small fantastic place called Kom Ombo 28 miles north of Aswan.
By reaching Kom Ombo, we started our second day - after having a very luxurious relaxing night in such amazing Nile Cruise- to visit Kom Ombo temple on the east bank of the Nile, right next to the river. Such temple was dedicated to two ancient Egyptian Gods, Horus and Sobek, the crocodile God, together with his wife, in another form of the Goddess Hathor. Then when we finished our marvelous tour in such fantastic temple, we took our luxurious cruise to enjoy the fantastic weather of Upper Egypt in the middle of the Nile and relax on the sun decks to enjoy the best scenery ever one will see in his life – the sunset in the middle of the Nile-. Then at night we had a custom part where we wear like what our ancient Egyptians wear to really feel the spirit of such ancient amazing place we are visiting.
Moving on with the Nile Cruise in the Nile we started our third and final day in the journey by reaching the Egyptian city where thousands of international tourists arrive annually to visit its monuments, contributing a large part towards the economy of Egypt, the great capital of ancient Egypt, and the glorious city of the ancient Egyptian God Amon-Ra. Such city where the majority of the ancient Egyptian civilization belonging is found, it is the nice warm city Luxor. We started our sightseeing in Luxor by visiting the Temple of Deir El-Bahri -one of the most characteristic temples in the whole of Egypt- having fascinating design and decorations built for the great ancient Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut, to commemorate her achievements and to serve as a funerary Temple for her, as well as a sanctuary of the ancient Egyptian God, Amon Ra. Then, we visited Luxor Temple one of the most beautiful Temples in Egypt and it was the northern house of ancient Egyptian God Amon Ra. After that, we visited The Karnak Temple- the largest Temple in the World- it contains a group of Temples such as the Great Temple of Amon Ra, The Temple of Khonso (an ancient Egyptian King), The Temple of Ptah (an ancient Egyptian King), the Temple of Montho (an ancient Egyptian King) and the Temple of the God Osiris. A massive, mud brick enclosure wall, surrounded all of these buildings to have that huge temple enclosing in it different ancient Egyptian civilization belongings. Finally after sightseeing our ancient Egyptian monuments we go shopping in Luxor shopping center to buy souvenirs reminding us of the best journey we had ever in our life.
To conclude, Egypt is really full of amazing, warm, fascinating places that we have to visit and explore. That is what I realized after spending three days in Upper Egypt where I have seen thousands of international tourists from different places coming to just see what we have in our dear country. So I really recommend if someone does not visit Luxor and Aswan till now it is really worth it to go and spend there your next vacation.


I dreamed I was missing, I was so scared but no one would listen because no one else cared
about that.
After my dreaming I woke with this fear, and I do not know why I am feeling fear and it is just a dream. When my time comes I remembered the wrong that I’ve done before going to sleep, I used to spill my milk without the knowing of any one.
So that the reason of feeling fear that made me dream of being missing, the guilt that I have done which is spilling the milk.
So, the conflict inside me is that, I do not like to drink milk, but my parents forced me to drink it, and I do not like any one to force me to do anything, so I used to spill the milk and I do not like to throw any kind of food or drink and I am feeling very fear from God because throwing any kind of food or drink is considered as a fault from a religious point of view.
So, What Shall I do to? I really do not know.

Inside the drawer I Found

Yesterday I opened the drawer of my sister, I found a half drunk bottle of water,a can of diet coke ,a bag containing 2 jelly sweets, a pen, a paperclip,sunglasses,lip gloss, a hair band,2 spare vests, far too small for either of the girls,2 spare pairs of trousers, Notebook, 1 glove,1sock, Blank piece of paper, Small carrier bag from Accessorize ,String shopping ,Mobile, Two pens, Three rocks from the beach, Child’s small flowery bracelet,1 hairbrush,1 pink child's glove ,3 packs of tissues ,3 books ,3 packs chewing gum,3 boxes of raisins, 2 mini packets of white chocolate buttons,8 mini coloring pencils, and finally I found Barbie Princess necklace.

Alexandria “The Pearl of the Mediterranean”

It may be strange to see lines of deckchairs set out facing the sea, so that swimmers have to squeeze their way through and between them to actually reach the water. Once in the water it is like being a star turn to live audience.
Alexandria is a beach front town, so best to find a nice place to enjoy the beach. Many of the beaches of Alexandria are private or attached to communities or hotels, but there are free beaches too.
Many of the beaches of Alexandria are private or attached to communities or hotels, but there are free beaches too.
The Montazah Palace has beaches, and there are cabins, perched above or beside the beaches, owned by private individuals. These beaches are named Cleopatra and Aida. The beaches may be sandy, or coarse from broken shells. With the renovation of the Corniche, many artificial bays are being constructed.
The Corniche is lined with beaches, with full tourist facilities, from the city centre outwards. In town try the Stanley beach, further east Montazah Beach and Maamoura are two of the best. At Abu Qir, a small fishing town, you can sunbathe, fish, swim and eat fresh seafood.
More over you can also enjoy the Royal Library of Alexandria which was once the largest in the world. The library's destruction remains a mystery. A new library was inaugurated in 2003, near the site of the old library.
The Library's contents were likely distributed over several buildings, with the main library either located directly attached to or close to the oldest building.
Alexandria “The Pearl of the Mediterranean”, the second largest city in Egypt, Alexandria has an atmosphere that is more Mediterranean than Middle Eastern. Alexandria was also the center of learning in the ancient world. But ancient Alexandria declined, and when Napoleon landed, he found a sparsely populated fishing village.

How Advertising Affect Mass Media

Advertising started with the start of trade; however, advertisers who worked professionally in old days were initiated when the public criers moved through the streets of cities to announce about any unusual products to sell. Ads were not used often and if ads existed they used to be about goods that are imported from abroad and those that are in town are usually known through the civilians.
People utilized or used advertising from their use to maximize and improve daily work environment. Mass production produced quantities of goods at low prices. If people knew about the low prices they would buy, so advertising was key. And therefore advertisements had a great impact on them.
Advertisement is a decisive mean which affects public judgment, sales, image, political campaigns and competition. It can affect people on what they buy through repetitive ads, even if the audience thought at the beginning that it is an irritating ad. It also affects the newspaper and magazines as both of them are full of ads and if the ads were removed or not present the cost of newspaper and magazines will be high and they will be smaller in size. Not only that, but also people depends, nowadays, on ads to get information about the goods that are in the market.

An immense dilemma is facing advertisement; it is losing its credibility. Advertisers use deluding techniques which tramps the customers. They, in a way or another, deceive the viewers by uttering explicit statements which mislead consumers to an extent they stopped relying on them. This was revealed by declaring unsubstantiated claims for medical products, using words such as “perfect”, “absolutely” and “unrivaled” tricked the people into buying the products and medicines, which made buyers, lose trust in all these ads. But unfortunately, this backed fire not only on consumers, but also on the advertisers, because some advertisers have good products to propose but no one believes them.

People started to get annoyed and realize that there is something going wrong. They required a filter to rid confusing ads. Mr. Edward Bok, Editor of Ladies Home Journal, Collier’s weekly, a news papers started a movement on fraudulent medicines. Moreover, Printer’s Ink, a magazine, started huge campaigns to attack and regulate standards to overcome mal practices of advertisers and to reach a point were they can say “Truth in Advertising”. As a result, the congress formalized the “Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906”, which aimed that medicine ads should adhere to certain criteria. Subsequently, in 1914 the Federal Trade Commission passed a law to emphasize the importance of ethical advertisement.Editors and broadcasters are forced to compete for a survivable share of remaining advertising income by looking for new ways to reach potential markets with less to spend so they inserted half hour commercials masquerading as entertainment. Advertorials and infomercials are described as vehicles that are presented in a way hard to distinguish from regular editorial copy or standard programming. So, the insert carries an indication that labels it as advertising. One way the commercials are designed to look like news or entertainment programs is by carrying on famous faces as if they are guests in a talk show. This results in increasing the sales of products and concerning many people about the product due to the nature of the ads. In addition, there is a trend to expect more advertorials and infomercials because this type of adverting works efficiently.